Preclinical service and experimental animal development is one of the supporting units of LPPT-UGM which serves in vivo research on experimental animals. The effect of the application of a new substance or drug on humans can be determined by studying the cumulative effect of the doses that can cause various effects, including toxic, carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic and so on. In general, this information can be obtained from in vivo experiments using test animals as models designed in a series of preclinical tests. Currently, at LPPT UGM two main preclinical tests have been certified ISO 17025, namely:

  1. Acute toxicity test and
  2. Sub chronic toxicity test

Acute toxicity test is a test method used to detect toxic effects that appear in a short time after administration of a test preparation in a single dose or repeated doses within 24 hours. Meanwhile, the sub-chronic toxicity test method is a method of observing the toxic effects of the test preparation given every day to several groups of test animals.

In addition, related to the development of laboratory animals, currently LPPT UGM also facilitates and organizes various kinds of preclinical testing using laboratory animals, and there are two types of laboratory animals developed (breeding) by LPPT UGM, namely

  1. Rat (Rattus norvegicus, strain wistar and Sprague dawley),
  2. Mouse (Mus musculus, bulb/c strain, swiss, DDY),

**if other strains or other types of animals are needed, they can be imported from other institutions both domestic and abroad