Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) as State-owned legal entity college (Perguruan Tinggi Badan Hukum Milik Negara or PT BHMN) that has declared as research university has stated its mission policy through strategic plan (Renstra) of UGM. The real action in realizing the PT BHMN status is by revitalizing and streamlining university support units including Central Laboratory. Laboratorium Penelitian dan Pengujian Terpadu (LPPT) UGM is a university’s central laboratory which is a combination of 4 central laboratories, namely Central Chemical and Physical Analysis Laboratory (Laboratorium Analisis Kimia dan Fisika Pusat or LAKFIP), Life Science Laboratory (Laboratorium Ilmu Hayati or LIH), Traditional Medicine Study Center (Pusat Studi Obat Tradisional or PSOT), and Experimental Animal Development Unit (Unit Pengembangan Hewan Percobaan or UPHP). Although the competence of the central laboratory is known and capable to provide service and contribution to university and the community according to its field and competence scope, it still needs to be improved in the management so that these laboratory merged into LPPT UGM.

LPPT UGM was officially established in accordance with rector’s decree (SK Rektor) number 265/P/SK/HT/2004 on 29th November 2004. At the beginning of 2005, LPPT UGM’s management team was fulfilled with a management team that had a high commitment to improving the role and function of the laboratory towards a more strategic, integrated, collaborative, and interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, since its establishment, LPPT UGM has been operating using laboratory management principles based on ISO/IEC 17025:2000 standard. In 2014, the LPPT decree was renewed with the rector’s decree number 90/P/SK/HT/2014, which expands the function of LPPT UGM and is confirmed in the rector’s regulation of UGM number 1/P/SK/HT/2015.

For further information about LPPT/ILaRT, please refer to the booklet below :

ILaRT Booklet